android 1.6 以上の端末にインストールされているAndroidマーケットアプリのアップデート

Android Market Supportさんから「A Message from Android Market」ってメールが来た。
* The details page for every app will now utilize and display the app’s “Promotional Graphic” assets at the top. If you haven’t done so already, we recommend uploading “Promotional Graphic” assets for your apps as soon as possible.
* Users will be able to filter applications by content rating. If you haven’t added a content rating for your published apps, you should do so immediately at the Publisher site by December 15 -- applications or games without a rating will be treated as “Mature”.
* We will be reducing the purchase refund window to 15 minutes.
* We will be increasing the maximum size for .apk files to 50MB, from the current 25MB.
* Market will support filtering based on screen sizes and densities, as well as on GL texture compression formats. Filtering is based on <compatible-screens> and <uses-gl-texture> elements in an app’s manifest.
* If your app includes wallpapers or widgets, Market will automatically add them to new “dynamic” categories, based on their manifest files.

12月16日にアメリカでGingerbreadのNexus Sが発売開始になるから、そのタイミングも意識してのアップデートなのかな?

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